[PIGMI] TRON the game

George gt at crunchyfrog.com.au
Wed Dec 22 20:58:20 PST 2010

Well said Scott,

I'm very pleased you are exercising your own judgement and showing 
discernment. You make up your own mind about something based on its 
individual merits and are not swayed by popular opinion. Good on you :)

However I must respectfully disagree with your appraisal of the 
painting. You see, it was hanging in an art gallery, so therefore it was 
good. That's what art galleries are for, they remove the uncertainty. If 
it's there, you know it's a masterpiece. Simple, and no personal 
discernment is required.

Same with Australian Idol - they are all top notch singers. They 
wouldn't be there otherwise. Even the ones that got knocked out in the 
first round of judging. They all vibrate their vocal chords right? The 
judges are really off kilter with their fancy pants notions of "being on 
key" or "tone". We all know that sound comes from vibrations and 
fluctuations in pressure, who's to say which is better than the other?

I tried some red wine the other day. Those names! Like "Cabernet 
savignon" and "Shiraz" - they're just made up nonsense, because it's all 
fermented grape juice! Absurd to think someone could really cultivate a 
finer appreciation of wine, when really you can just drink any of them 
and they're all just as good.

So yeah, I appreciate you are an independent thinker with your own 
views, and you have a really novel and interesting concept there with 
"subjectivity", but really, personal discernment is overrated. Better to 
simply just accept and enjoy :)

On 23/12/2010 12:03 PM, Scott Kerr wrote:
> I agree with George, Tron is a load of rubbish and anyone who liked it 
> is wrong.
> On that topic, I saw this thing the other day, a painting called 
> "water lilies" by some guy called Monet? What a load of bunk! Everyone 
> was raving about it so I went and took a look and was sorely 
> disappointed. It's just a bunch of leaves and flowers on a pond, I see 
> leaves and flowers every day, not at all memorable and no meaning 
> whatsoever! Everyone seems to be praising it based solely visual 
> elements when obviously that doesn't matter at all for a painting. 
> People keep going on about it's 'killer brushwork' but not only does 
> some apparently good brushwork not matter at all for a painting but 
> once you take a good close look it's all just a splotchy mess that 
> doesn't look like anything at all! They told me to take a step back to 
> properly appreciate it but really, if a painting can't stand up to 
> close scrutiny how can you call it a masterpiece?
> Anyway, I'd say that just like Tron anyone who likes that painting is 
> wrong. I don't get why they'd go on about it, it's almost like they 
> think appreciation of art and media is subjective or something.
> :p


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