[PIGMI] Unity (and Xamarin) developer comments sought

Andy Dent dent at oofile.com.au
Wed Jul 15 23:50:02 PDT 2015

Hi folks

For the 99.99%  of you who don’t follow my tweets  keenly, I’m now working for realm.io on their C# API team.

I’m very keen to talk to people using Unity or Xamarin about their expectations from an API, how they find and use 3rd party components and war stories especially around building.

In particular, in the Unity space, what proportion of people are using just UnityScript without any C#? Or any other non-C# environments such as Playmaker?

Whilst I possibly have your Xamarin-oriented attention, as a personal curiosity, is anyone using CocosSharp for 2D games? I’m using Cocos2D-X on some of my other projects.

Andy Dent

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